ESGE Research Champions' Den

Advance your research project by winning up to 10,000 € of financial support from ESGE and guidance from our jury of experts.

The finalists in the 2025 ESGE Research Champions Den:

Giulio Antonelli
Giulio Antonelli (Italy)

ASL Roma 6, Rome

Marine Camus (France)

Sorbonne University, Paris Hospital

Daniel de la Iglesia Garcia
Daniel de la Iglesia Garcia (Spain)

University Hospital Puerta de Hierro, Madrid

Francesco Maria Di Matteo (Italy)

Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico, Rome

Jean Michel Gonzalez
Jean-Michel Gonzalez (France)

Hôpital Nord, Marseille

Lucía Guilabert Sanz (Spain)

Dr. Balmis General University Hospital, Alicante

Amyn Haji (UK)

King's College Hospital, London

Anastasios Koulaouzidis (Denmark)

Surgical Department, Odense University Hospital & Svendborg Hospital

Champs Den finalists 1
Ivo Boškoski (Italy)

Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS

Sara Teles de Campos (Belgium)

Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles, Erasme Hôpital

About the ‚Den‘

The ESGE Research Champions’ Den competition, held at ESGE Days congresses, is the final stage of the application process for ESGE Research Grants.

The aim is to bring hidden talent to light and to help established researchers to share their ideas and upcoming projects with the endoscopy world.


From an award fund of 30,000 €, selected candidates can each win up to 10,000 € for their individual research project to cover direct costs.

Applicants selected by the jury to present their research at the ESGE Research Champions’ Den receive a waived registration fee.

All studies that are presented at the ESGE Research Champions’ Den are eligible to receive ESGE research endorsement.

How does it work?

Potential contenders submit their research idea online. A “jury” of experienced endoscopists with established track records in research select what they consider to be the best projects, based on the importance of their future impact on endoscopic practice and their creativity and originality.

At ESGE Days, the top selected applicants each have 3-4 minutes to present their projects to the jury, who then quiz each applicant for 5 minutes.

The session will be organised by Lorenzo Fuccio, the ESGE Research Committee Chair, who introduces applicants and moderates the session. Participation in this competition does not require onsite presence during the event.

After the jury’s discussion, the moderator announces which applicants have won financial support. The jury will be able to distribute, to the projects they judge to be most deserving of support, up to 10,000 €. All jury decisions are final.

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Application details

Applicants are required to be ESGE individual members and work in a medical institution within the ESGE zone (Central and Western Europe, Mediterranean and North Africa)

Young researchers/trainees are encouraged to apply.

Applications must be submitted via the online application form.

All jury decisions are final. The ESGE Research Committee Chair will be the moderator who introduces applicants and moderates the session. After the jury’s discussion, the moderator announces which applicants have won financial support.

The applicants who are not successful in obtaining a grant for their research project get free registration at the next ESGE Days. Winners are committed to supplying study reports to ESGE and to submitting the study results to Endoscopy.

To find out more about the ESGE Research Champions Den and other ESGE grants and awards visit


September 1, 2024

Call for ESGE Research Grant applications opens, culminating in the ESGE Days Research Champions' Den

October 28, 2024

Application for Research Grants closes

January 2025

Notification of selected applicants

April 3 - 5, 2025

ESGE Days 2025 in Barcelona and online

The finalists in the 2024 ESGE Research Champions Den:

Leon Moons v2 500x500
⭐ WINNER / Leon Moons (The Netherlands)
UMC Utrecht
Alvaro Martinez Alcala Garcia 500x500
⭐ WINNER / Alvaro Martínez-Alcalá (Spain)
CIDMA, Centro Innovaciones Digestivas Martínez-Alcalá
Veronique Van der Voort 500x500
⭐ WINNER / Veronique Van der Voort (France)
CHU de Limoges
Theo Vioisu 500x500 v2
Theodor Voiosu (Romania)
Colentina Clinical Hospital
Nannete v R 500x500
Nanette van Roermund (The Netherlands)
Amsterdam UMC
Cem Simsek 500x500
Cem Simsek (Turkey)
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
Xavier Dray 500x500
Xavier Dray (France)
Sorbonne University, Center for Digestive Endoscopy, Saint-Antoine Hospital
Clelia Marmo 500x500
Clelia Marmo (Italy)
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli
Davide massimi 500x500
Davide Massimi (Italy)
Humanitas Research Hospital (Endoscopy Unit)
Maria P 500x500
Maria Puigcerver-Mas (Spain)
Bellvitge University Hospital

The finalists in the 2023 ESGE Research Champions Den:

Championsden 2023 martina de siena
⭐ WINNER / Martina De Siena (Italy)
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A.Gemelli IRCCS
Championsden 2023 pedro lopez munoz
⭐ WINNER / Pedro López-Muñoz (Spain)
Hospital Universitari i Politècnic la Fe / Health Research Institute La Fe. Valencia, Spain
Championsden 2023 louis jean masgnaux
⭐ WINNER / Louis-Jean Masgnaux (France)
Edouard Herriot Hospital
Championsden 2023 federica borrelli de andreis
Federica Borrelli de Andreis (Italy)
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS
Championsden 2023 entcho klenske
Entcho Klenske (Austria)
Medical University of Vienna
Championsden 2023 alvaro martinez alcala
Alvaro Martínez-Alcala García (Spain)
University Hospital Infanta Leonor
Championsden 2023 maria valeria matteo
Maria Valeria Matteo (Italy)
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS
Championsden 2023 julieta montanelli
Julieta Montanelli (France)
IHU Strasbourg
Championsden 2023 sandra nagl
Sandra Nagl (Germany)
University Hospital of Augsburg
Championsden 2023 katie siggens
Katie Siggens (United Kingdom)
Portsmouth Hospital University NHS Trust

The finalists in the 2022 ESGE Research Champions Den:

Portrait Enrique Rodereges de Santiago
⭐ WINNER / Enrique Rodríguez de Santiago (Spain)

University Hospital Ramon Y Cajal, Madrid

Portrait Ulla Marques Esperanza3
⭐ WINNER / Esperanza Ulloa Márquez (Spain)

Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid

Portrait Milou van Riswijk
⭐ WINNER / Milou van Riswijk (The Netherlands)

Radboudumc, Nijmegen

Portrait Pierre Lafeuille
Pierre Lafeuille (France)

Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyon

Portrait Marco Spadaccini
Marco Spadaccini (Italy)

Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan

Portrait Livia Archibugi
Livia Archibugi (Italy)

IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital, Milan

Portrait Jasmine Zessner Spit
Jasmin Zessner-Spitzenberg (Austria)

Medical University of Vienna

Portrait Marina de Benito Sanz
Marina de Benito Sanz (Spain)

Hospital Río Hortega, Valladolid

Portrait Paolo Cecinato
Paolo Cecinato (Italy)

Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova di Reggio Emilia

Portrait Hannah van Malenstein
Hannah van Malenstein (Belgium)

University Hospital, Leuven

Some of the action from social media…

It's Germana de Nucci now in the ESGE Research Champions Den. New hemostatic gel to treat bleeding. @mdinisribeiro is sceptical that this "treat all" solution is viable... Join the conversation! What are your thoughts on the champions' proposals so far? Use #esgedays2021
CONGRATULATIONS to @MarcusHollenba1! First place at the Research Champions' Den. 2nd came Mohamed Abdelrahim and then Laurent Monino. 🎉👏 Nice work on the moderation @gastro3570! #ESGEDays2021 live wrapping up soon but will stay on demand until 31 May.
Final potential research champion is Mo. @gastro3570 is curious that we have an innovator trying to bring EMR back to the forefront. Evelien is grilling Mo on cost effectiveness. Cesare: does it conflict with the ESGE guideline on the subject? Your thoughts? #ESGEDays2021
The ESGE dragons have sharpened their claws and next to face them is @hugo_uchima! His research project related to POEM. Bad or good news when you're being grilled by world class expert @thomas_rosch?! #ESGEDays2021

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