Innovation of the Year Award

Applications open December 10, 2024

Innovation drives progress and ESGE would like to recognize outstanding innovations in the field of endoscopy. With the Innovation of the Year award we are seeking the most inspiring, ground breaking and potentially game changing innovations in endoscopy. Students, physicians, institutes, corporate partners and biomedical companies may submit applications demonstrating how their innovation (new technique, new device) has changed patient management and increased quality standards. The best innovation in two categories is recognized:

  • Best procedural innovation
  • Best new device

The winners in each category receive a free registration to ESGE Days 2025 where their award is presented live.

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December 10, 2024
Innovation of the Year Award open for applications
January 21, 2025
Application for Innovation of the Year closes
April 3 - 5, 2025
ESGE Days 2025 in Barcelona and online

2024 Winners

Louis-Jean Masgnaux and Jean Grimaldi (France)

ATRACT adaptive traction device for ESD


Yen-I Chen and Ali Bessissow (Canada)

TTS Dual Balloon Catheter for EUS-GE


Spotlight Studio – Introducing our Innovation of the Year awardees (2023)

Pradeep Bhandari (UK) chats with Vicente Lorenzo-Zúñiga (Spain) and Roberta Maselli (Italy) about their innovative device and procedure which took the top prize as part of the annual ESGE Innovation of the Year award. 

Past winners

Main recipient
Institution affiliation
Main recipient
Vicente Lorenzo-Zúñiga García
Institution affiliation
GREEN MARK: A recyclable point on endoscopic instruments to reduce our environmental impact
Main recipient
Roberta Maselli
Institution affiliation
Ballon Endo-Luminal Lumen Occluding (BELLO) Device
Main recipient
Institution affiliation
Main recipient
Professor Mathieu Pioche
Institution affiliation
IPEFIX innovative pedal fixator
Main recipient
Dr Mohamed Abdelrahim
Institution affiliation
WISE VISION® Endoscopy: A Novel Artificial Intelligence System for Computer Assisted Detection and Localisation of Early Barrett’s Neoplasia During Endoscopy
Main recipient
Institution affiliation
Main recipient
Carlos Robles-Medranda
Roberto Oleas, Raquel Del Valle, Juan C. Mendez, Juan Alcivar Vasquez, Miguel Puga Tejada, Hannah Pitanga Lukahsok
Institution affiliation
IECED: Instituto Ecuatoriano de Enfermedades Digestivas, Equador
Application of Artificial Intelligence For Real-Time Anatomical Recognition During Endoscopic Ultrasound Evaluation: A Pilot Study
Main recipient
François Huberland
Ricardo Rio Tinto, Sonia Dugardeyn, Orianne Bastin, Alain Delchambre, Cécilia Delattre, Nicolas Cauche, Jacques Deviere, Daniel Blero
Institution affiliation
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
MAGUS: MAgnetic Gastrointestinal Universal Septotome
Main recipient
Institution affiliation
Main recipient
Alexander Meining
Nico Hofmann, Chi-Nghia Ho
Institution affiliation
University Hospital Wuerzburg, Germany
The Over-The Scope-Grasper
Main recipient
Tomonori Yano
Edward J. Despott, Alberto Murino, Nikolaos Lazaridis, Yoshikazu Hayashi, Yoshimasa Miura, Takahito Takezawa, Keijiro Sunada, Hironori Yamamoto
Institution affiliation
Jichi Medical University, Japan
Gel immersion endoscopy: An effective innovation for securing the visual field
Main recipient
Institution affiliation
Main recipient
Vincent Huberty
Alexandre Chau, Jacques Deviere, Martin Hiernaux, Loulia Leclercq
Institution affiliation
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Hôpital Erasme, Gastroenterology Department, Brussels, Belgium
Endomina as a multipurpose platform
Main recipient
Yuichi Mori
Shin-ei Kudo, Masashi Misawa, Hayato Ito, Kensaku Mori
Institution affiliation
Digestive Disease Center, Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital, Japan
EndoBRAIN -Artificial intelligence system that supports optical biopsy of colorectal polyps-

Rules and Regulations for the ESGE Innovation of the Year award

To be eligible, the device, accessory, technique must have been launched (or will be launched) between January 2023 and December 2023.

The ESGE Innovation of the Year award is intended to encourage and recognize excellence in contributing to new technique or device to enhancing endoscopic based healthcare. Awards can be given for a project by any individual, or group of individuals, or organization (from private or public sectors).

Persons may submit more than one application.

  • Applications may come from any country, but the project should go beyond national borders in its reach or thinking, and must seek to address global health challenges in innovative ways or through new ideas.
  • Applications must be submitted via the online application form in order to be considered for the award, and shall include:
    a. an abstract of 250 words maximum;
    b. a well-developed description which should not exceed 1,000 words in length. The application should include a description of the device or the technique, the rationale, and should clearly demonstrate how the idea provides a novel contribution for the patient management. Up to three additional supporting items (eg. Photographs or videos) can be added. The maximum file size is 200 MB.
  • Applications submitted via any other channel will not be considered.
  • Applications must be in English.
  • The deadline for applications is February 1, 2024 at 24:00 CET. The results will be announced publicly in conjunction with ESGE Days 2024, which is taking place on 25-27 April, 2024 based in Berlin, Germany.
  • An expert panel will evaluate and attribute a score to each valid application received and selection will be based on the following criteria: a. impact on the future of endoscopic practice b. creativity and c. originality.
  • ESGE reserves the right to disqualify any application from further consideration at any point of the review proceedings.
  • The winner will be notified immediately prior to the public announcement, via the email contact address provided upon application.
  • ESGE reserves the right to oblige any potential winner to provide information such that ESGE might be satisfied with the rigor and integrity of the work, as well as the compliance with international guidelines.
  • ESGE reserves the right to amend the rules and regulations. If the rules and regulations are amended, ESGE will contact those who have already submitted applications and update them with regard to the altered rules.
  • Entry implies acceptance of these rules, and all applicants agree to be bound by them upon submitting an application.
  • ESGE will keep personal details submitted with the application for a reasonable time so that contact can be taken up with potential winners.
  • ESGE will not pass on your personal details to any other organization, with the sole exception of naming the winner(s) and publicizing the winner in accordance with these rules and regulations.
  • The winner(s) agree to have his/her/their name(s) published for promotion purposes along with a description of the winning project, and to be available for media requests including photographs and interviews.
  • All decisions made by the ESGE in relation to the contest are final and no correspondence concerning decisions will be entered into.
  • ESGE is not liable for any damage, loss or disappointment suffered by any person taking part or not being able to take part.
  • Members of the ESGE Days Organizing/Scientific committee and evaluation panel are not eligible to apply.

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